Posts Tagged ‘clima’

Arte climática


O artista Romanywg, resolveu fazer seu protesto climático pelas ruas de Londres, com a seguinte mensagem: “Eu não acredito no aquecimento global”, estampada na parede de um prédio.

Confira as fotos:

Se você é artista, faça de sua arte um apelo social e/ou ambiental, use seu talento para despertar o pensamento crítico nas pessoas, para estimulá-las a mexer-se. Faça sua parte, do seu jeito!

Confira também a galeria do artista no Flickr!

Vigília noturna na porta do presídio


Hoje,  ativistas do Greenpeace realizaram uma vigília noturna em frente ao presídio onde 4 dos nossos ativistas se encontram presos em Copenhague, para pedir sua libertação. Os ativistas correm o risco de passar o natal presos, e segundo informações, não estão recebendo os melhores tratos, apesar de terem realizado protestos pacíficos.

Mais detalhes em inglês, abaixo do vídeo:

Greenpeace today called for the immediate release of four of its activists who face spending Christmas in jail. Three of the activists took part in the peaceful protest at the Danish Queen’s Heads of State dinner during the Copenhagen Climate Summit.Over 100 Greenpeace staff and supporters held a candle-lit vigil holding banners reading ‘Freedom from Climate Injustice’ outside of the Vestre Fængsel (prison) in Copenhagen where the activists are being held in isolation and without trial. Greenpeace strongly condemns the arrogance of the heads of state from the world’s most powerful countries for presenting a ‘take it or leave it’ deal to the Copenhagen Climate Summit. Greenpeace International Executive Director, Kumi Naidoo, warns: “The world is facing tragic crises of leadership. Rather than coming together to secure a future for hundreds of millions of people by agreeing an historic deal to avert climate chaos, leaders of the world’s most powerful countries have betrayed future and current generations. Averting climate chaos has just gotten a whole lot harder”.

Nuclear Reaction – Copenhagen, nuclear power and the Clean Development Mechanism



The United Nations Climate Change Conference currently taking place in Copenhagen is something we’ve only mentioned in passing here on Nuclear Reaction. That said, along with all the other negotiations, Greenpeace and many other organisations and people have been working hard at the conference to prevent nuclear energy being included in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

Don't Nuke The Climate action at the Bella Center, Copenhagen For those who don’t know it, the CDM is a system set up under the Kyoto Protocol which allows industrialised countries committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to earn carbon credits by investing in low-carbon projects in developing countries rather than building more expensive projects in their own countries.

Nuclear energy was specifically excluded from the CDM at the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change conference in 2001. Needless to say, the nuclear industry and its supporters have been lobbying hard ever since for nuclear’s inclusion in the mechanism.

Just why nuclear energy should be included is something of a mystery. As Hélène Pelosse, Director-General of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) says, ‘it’s a long complicated process, it produces waste and is relatively risky’. Despite the industry’s attempts at greenwash, nuclear energy cannot be considered clean by any sensible or rational definition.

The clue is in the Development Mechanism’s title: ‘Clean’. IRENA again: ‘The Clean Development Mechanism is not called clean out of any reason – only 100% renewable energy is clean’.

So where does this leave the negotiations at Copenhagen? At the time of writing an agreement of any kind between all the parties (that includes nuclear energy or not) hangs in the balance.

Watch this space.

(More information on the nuclear negotiations at Copenhagen can be found on the Don’t Nuke The Climate website)